Patty’s House Concert
Waukesha, WI
When Patty and I met to discuss her song, we considered several subjects. When I mentioned the recent situation with her job, her face lit up. “Yes, I’d like it to be about that,” she said.
Patty went on to tell me about being laid off from her job and how she made ends meet over the six months it took to find a new job. Patty had numerous stories about how she was taken care of, through her rental income, an unexpected check from the bank from a mortgage refinance audit, and a private quilt party a friend threw for her. She always had enough. And Patty’s new boss is also a quilter! I called her song “Unexpected Blessings.”
Patty’s friends weren’t afraid to enjoy themselves, with a couple of them getting up and dancing during some songs.
Here are pictures from the concert and from the break, courtesy of my handsome Canadian roadie.

Patty’s House Concert
Waukesha, WI

When Patty and I met to discuss her song, we considered several subjects. When I mentioned the recent situation with her job, her face lit up. “Yes, I’d like it to be about that,” she said.

Patty went on to tell me about being laid off from her job and how she made ends meet over the six months it took to find a new job. Patty had numerous stories about how she was taken care of, through her rental income, an unexpected check from the bank from a mortgage refinance audit, and a private quilt party a friend threw for her. She always had enough. And Patty’s new boss is also a quilter! I called her song “Unexpected Blessings.”

Patty’s friends weren’t afraid to enjoy themselves, with a couple of them getting up and dancing during some songs.

Here are pictures from the concert and from the break, courtesy of my handsome Canadian roadie.